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What Is Spiritual Awakening Anxiety?

self care stress & anxiety relief Oct 09, 2021

The process of spiritual awakening can sometimes have periods of anxiety. This can last for days, weeks, months, or even years.

Some people have a calm and beautiful awakening. And, while not everyone experiences anxiety during a spiritual awakening, most do. And for those who do, it can be very intense.


Meaning of Spiritual Awakening Anxiety

The process of spiritual awakening is one in which we go through a complete transformation. As a result, what was previously hidden about the world and ourselves comes into our view.

This can lead to confusion, frustration and cause unprocessed emotions, memories, and hurts to come up. It is like having to cleanse oneself of the baggage of the past so we can live in alignment with our true selves.

This peeling of layers in the mental, emotional, and spiritual body can create temporary anxiety that one must go through and overcome to truly awaken.


Signs and Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

You may be experiencing spiritual awakening if you identify with some of the signs and symptoms: 

1. You feel lost and alone in this journey. 

2. You feel as if your life has been empty and devoid of any meaning.

3. Existential questions bother you. You start thinking about the meaning of life and its purpose. 

4. You find it challenging to relate to the people around you.

5. The beliefs that you have grown up with seem false. You feel disillusioned with society and its norms. 

6. You develop more empathy towards others and the state of the world. You begin to feel more invested in the problems of others. 

7. You make some decisions, like changing things in your life that have not been working, changing your place, or ending certain relationships. 

8. You crave to spend time with yourself. Your social life takes a backseat.

9. You become acutely aware of your failings of the past and your limitations. 

10. You feel the physical symptoms of anxiety – like a racing heart or an overactive mind. 

11. You have heightened intuition. 

12. Your sleep patterns might change, either sleeping a lot more or experiencing disturbed sleep or insomnia. Your dreams may be much more vivid. 


Hope to cope with Spiritual Awakening Anxiety

If you experience spiritual awakening anxiety, here are 5 hacks that can help:

1. Become aware that it is temporary

Once you realize why you are feeling anxious and that this will pass, the very awareness will bring some relief. It will also make it easier to live through that time.


2. Breathe

When you begin to feel anxious, the most immediate thing you can do is find a comfortable place and sit with your breath. When you begin to breathe deeply, the entire system relaxes. Practicing box breathing – inhaling for 4 counts, holding the breath in for 4 counts, and then exhaling for 4 counts. Repeat this cycle a few times.


3. Use kind words to talk to yourself

When anxiety comes up, it is important to remind yourself that you are ok. You will need to change the language you use when you talk to yourself. Using soothing words that tell you that you are safe and protected will help you feel calm.


4. Spend time in nature

The more time you spend in nature, the more grounded you will feel. Nature is healing. It will calm your nerves and make you feel connected to the larger whole. Make it a point to spend some time outdoors every day.


5. Take care of the body.

Do some yoga, get some massage, eat healthy, and maintain a routine to go to bed. Get hugs from people you love and trust. Taking care of the body will help in relaxing.


Luckily, you don’t have to go through spiritual awakening anxiety alone. The Discover Yoga Spiritual Community is a great support system for anyone experiencing this type of anxiety. With our online membership, you become part of our beautiful community, among the many other benefits that include all things yoga.


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